Stomach Cancer

The One Who Survived Cancer Stands Before You

Value every day of my life so as not to have any regrets.

Mr Kobayashi Kanagawa Japan


In the autumn of 1998, I was diagnosed to have progressive stomach cancer during my annual health exam. The endoscopy did not show anything wrong and I did not feel uncomfortable. After I accepted the doctor’s advice for an operation, I began to collect information that would help me combat cancer. I had no idea about this disease and should thank relatives and friends who assisted me look for relevant and useful information. This brought Tian Xian Liquid to my attention.


When I contacted the Japanese branch of the International Cancer Recovery Association, the consultant told me about the case of a female patient. She suffered from ovarian cancer, but, after taking Tian Xian Liquid and Tian Xian pills, recovered much to the doctor’s surprise. She gained confidence and fought more courageously against Recalling this patient’s courage and with my friends’ moral support, I was convinced that I must depend only on Tian Xian Liquid. I began to take this liquid after my operation.


The operation was successful. Two weeks later, I began taking Tian Xian Liquid again and then, underwent anti-cancer drug treatment. Thanks to Tian Xian Liquid, I was exempted from the side effects and finished the treatment without too much suffering.People were surprised and delighted. I was even then more convinced of the efficacy of Tian Xian Liquid.


From the time I was released from the hospital up to now, I have continued to take 4 bottles of Tian Xian Liquid and 4 Tian Xian pills. My regular examinations show that everything about me is normal.


Since my whole stomach had been removed, I became weak temporarily but recovered soon enough. Now, both my mental and physical states are good. I can help my wife do some cleaning, shopping, washing, etc. I am happy to read and putter around the yard. My friends say that I do not look like a patient at all.


In order to prevent metastasis, and to defeat cancer completely, I have decided to continue my Tian Xian regimen. I, who was once faced with death, value every day of my life so as not to have any regrets.


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