Tuesday, 30 January 2018

14 Thermal Power: Keep the Body Warm

A cold body is the origin of all disease.


Since Ancient Times, People Have Said, "A Cold Body is the Origin of All Disease”

I conducted a lot of investigations and found that a lot of accidents happened, particularly between November and February, during the time when the weather turned colder and the seasons changed. If patients want to pass through winter, they must pay attention and keep warm. Before, someone said: “A cold body is the origin of all diseases”, so do not only take medicine and have check-ups, your first attention should be on the issue of “keeping warm”. Reports have shown that the average temperature of the human body is around 36 degrees Celsius. When the body temperature drops by 0.5 degrees Celsius, the immune system will follow, and fall by 40%.   


When a patient’s body temperature is falling, it means that death will soon come. It has been ten years since I was discharged from the hospital. In these ten years, I have experienced the risk of cancer recurrence and metastasis several times. I think I have successfully survived a critical stage, and in addition to exerting the effectiveness of botanical herbs and herbal dietary therapy to warm my body, the key point is that I regularly pay attention and do not allow myself to feel cold. Therefore, I use a portable warmer or heating pad to keep warm.   



Whether it is in the cold winter or the hot summer with air conditioning (air conditioning disease, the most important part of eating is to eat lukewarm food, leading to a Yin-Yang balance = Neutral and balanced. Let seniors keep drinking mixed vegetable juice and health drinks; no matter how many benefits they have for the body, a result may be bad sleep at night, because they wake up to go to the washroom. Maybe when they think of this state, they feel a shiver. 


So, what will be better? A body cannot be improved by having several check-ups or eating healthy food and vitamins. 


Cancer is a particularly knotty disease. In addition to eating a balanced diet and having good habits in life; during the change of seasons, people need to be careful not to wear too little and should pay attention to cold and warm temperatures. Not just in the winter time, people need to pay attention to the temperature of air conditioning, even in the summer time. The most important thing is “do not get cold, and especially do not let the affected regions get cold”. Cancer cells are not tolerant of heat; they like a little cold. Therefore, try to take a hot bath before going to bed, so that you have a warm body. When experiencing cold weather, do not be shy about using portable heaters and heating pads to keep warm. 


For regions affected by the cold, the secret trick to passing through the period from late autumn to the frigid cold winter is maintaining good blood circulation. For patients who feel unwell, I suggest that you use a “loquat leaf moxibustion device” (Chinese 枇杷叶温灸器) which can warm specific body parts, or drink “ume sauce bancha” (Chinese 梅酱番茶). This is a kind of traditional therapy, belonging to “grandma’s wisdom”. Do not forget that the Japanese also have health wisdom that is suitable for their own Japanese constitutions. These simple but worry free health therapies are the origin of Slow Health Therapy.   


“Detoxification”, “Warmth” and “Hope”: The Three Unbeatable Principles of Cancer 

1. While eating is very important, excretion is more important. (Detoxification)

2. A cold body is the origin of all diseases. Let the body and mind be moderated. (Warmth)

3. Do not accumulate pressure. Live with hope. (Hope)



Defecation that is more important than eating.

Do not let toxins remain in your body.

Defecation is a life indicator 



A cold body is the origin of all diseases.

When you feel unwell, first warm your body. 



Do not accumulate pressure.

Hope is a good remedy, while desperation is poison.


The Three Unbeatable Principles of Cancer:

Do not panic, do not give up and do not be anxious. 

“We already knew all of these! How is it possible to use these three principles to prevent cancer recurrence or metastasis?” ── There should be many people with such thoughts. When people are unable to comply with these three principles, it is a kind of human weakness.   


Previously, we mentioned traditional Chinese medicine, medicinal diets,  the longevity macrobiotic dietary regimen approach and so on. We have also talked about some principles that are difficult to understand, or more theoretical things. In fact, as long as life can first comply with “the three unbeatable regimen principles of cancer”, even with no check-ups, no surgery and no extreme drugs, people are able to prolong their lives and live on. This is my own experience.  


For me, at the end of the year, when it was cold, I would get a cold and feel unwell. Several times, I panicked so terribly that I thought I had a cancer recurrence. I know many patients who, on frigid cold nights, after they attended a friend’s funeral, experienced a shortened life expectancy. It is because of the huge scale of temperature difference. Therefore, during the change of seasons, everyone should pay attention to their body condition. 


Sekine Susumu

Chairman of SlowHealth Research Association

Chief Editor of Life Guide Book

Professor Emeritus of Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, China


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